Sports: Regular sports activities such as football, cricket, basketball, volleyball, athletics, and more, aimed at promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
Music: Opportunities for students to participate in music classes, choir, instrumental ensembles, and solo performances to develop their musical talents and appreciation for the arts.
Drama/Theater: Theater workshops, productions, and drama clubs that allow students to explore their creativity, enhance communication skills, and express themselves through acting and stage performance.
Debates and Public Speaking: Debating societies, elocution competitions, and public speaking events to improve students' oratory skills, critical thinking, and confidence in expressing their ideas and opinions.
Art and Craft: Art classes, painting competitions, craft workshops, and exhibitions where students can unleash their creativity, develop fine motor skills, and showcase their artistic talents.
Dance: Dance classes, dance competitions, and cultural performances to encourage students to explore different dance forms, express themselves through movement, and appreciate diverse cultures.
Literary Activities: Literary clubs, book clubs, storytelling sessions, and writing competitions to foster a love for literature, language proficiency, and creative writing skills among students.
Community Service: Volunteer programs, social outreach projects, and environmental initiatives that instill a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and compassion in students while contributing to the community.
STEM Workshops: Hands-on STEM workshops, science fairs, and technology competitions to promote interest and proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
Cultural Celebrations: Celebrations of festivals, cultural events, and national holidays to promote cultural awareness, unity, and appreciation for diversity among students.